Friday, February 11, 2011

College Lacrosse 2011

I'm glad someone is finally stepping up to the plate to make a lacrosse game. Lax bros everywhere have been calling for someone to make one, didn't have to be good just something to play after laxing all day. This game is the second one(I bought the first one was fun but not that great) and it looks like they are going to make one every year. As you can see in  the trailer the graphics look decent obviously not as good as any COD game but this is a indie company making an indie game no EA here. The movements the players makes is a step up from the last game except I have a problem with the way it looks when they run but again it's not backed by a birtime company. Props to these guys doing what no one would touch and hopefully an EA or 2ksports will pick them up. Games almost done should be available on Xbox live later in the year

C'mon Man

This video really makes me ponder what I'm doing with my life. Like this truly is the most thug thing I have seen. I really should just join the Army now, not just for the pridefor fighting for my country but all the badass weapons I would get to use. Fucking COD style.

Imagine though getting into a fight with a guy who suddenly pulls out a pistol. You kick the shit out of him and get away. As you you are walking away in fucking glory then he wips out that motherfucker and picks you off drives away no big deal. That is why I need one

If you're interested here's more awsome shit

The Next President?

CNN-Real estate mogul Donald Trump says he is seriously thinking about running for president but won't make a final decision until summer.
Appearing on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight" Wednesday night, Trump said the United States is faring poorly and has lost the respect of the world.

Speaking of Donald Trump the guy might be running for president next year and if you ask me fuck ya. I read this story and it literally made me want to fast forward a year just so I can vote this guy into office. I'm not even registered to vote but I'm going to now for this reason. My favorite part of the interview is when Trump is talking about taxing chinese products cause he feels they are a threat. "I see them as the enemy" he says then goes on a five minute rant about how they suck and I kind of agree with him Chinese people are a problem. Like how can you be so bad a driving? effing asians, whatever USA might be a better place with the Donald as president. Take a look at the interview so you can hear him for yourself

That hair will be as iconic as Washington's wooden teeth and JFK's awesome accent

Morning Jamm: Mac Miller - Donald Trump

New Mac Miller song off of his upcoming project

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Literally I don't think I will ever attend a Bruins game as awesome as that one. I knew it was going to be something special when we scored twice within 12 seconds then when the fights started happening it got crazy. The Garden was apeshit I still have a headache from all the yelling I was doing(the slight hangover might contribute to that) and Tim Thomas skating out to the center ice just to meet up with Carey Price sure Thomas fell on his ass but it was ill. Tons of fights(all of which I'll post) all the way up to the final buzzer it was crazy I don't have a voice anymore.

There was just as much action in the stands as there was on the ice from the YOURE GAY chants standing in line for the urinal and fights at the end of the game between Bruins and Canadien fans. Hell I was going to give a high five to one of my buddies and I fell into the next row and one of my boots fell off and I held it up and cheered with it which continued when the girls behind us took my boot and did the same. Even funnier was my other friend threw his hat to get it on the ice even though there was not hat trick but of course he took mine and threw it as well, we weren't the only ones though everbody started throwing there hats(none of which actually got to the ice).

All in all best game ever GO BRUINS

14 mins of pure awesome hockey

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UMass Boston Sucks

This is why UMass Boston is the queerest college in the Boston area

I Had To

How could I not post this sure everyone else already has and I'm doing it cause they found it first and it's a sick video. so i say fuck you i can post what I want sure I might be a barstool knock off  but at least I have to balls to do what they won't talk about WEED

Bruins Cont.

Ok I Lied

ESPNBoston-The always-creative Lowell Spinners, the Red Sox’s Single-A affiliate, have come up with another fun promotion this summer: The Human Home Run.

After the Spinners game on July 5, stunt man David Smith, Jr. will be shot from a cannon placed at home plate over the infield to a net placed just past second base (so in that sense, it’s more like the human pop fly, but impressive nonetheless).

Ok so i lied but this story is just too good to pass up. I don't though I kind of think this is really pathetic and awsome at the same time. First I think this is pathetic cause the best way to try to get people to got to their games is by shooting a guy out of a cannon(Really?) and shooting off fireworks. Not to mention he isnt even going to be shot far enough to even be considered a homerun I'd feel cheated if I went to the game expecting that and only saw him fly to second base. But if I ever happen to be in Lowell with nothing to do(I have no idea why I'd be in Lowell) I'd go to the game just to see this cause maybe some thing will go wrong and he will explode sending blood everywhere or he will miss the net breaking his neck. sounds bad but don't act like you wouldnt watch it on youtube after it happens.


In honor of me going to the Bruins vs. Canadiaens for the rest of the dayI'm going to be posting everything involving the rivalry (mostly fights cause to be honest the best part is seeing these two teams fight) between the two teams starting with a bench clearing brawl.

Deval Patrick Actually Doing Something Productive Deval Patrick wants to shrink drug-free school zones from 1,000 feet to 100 feet, fueling debate about whether the law effectively protects children from drug dealers or simply sends too many low-level offenders to overcrowded prisons to serve excessive sentences at taxpayers’ expense.

I don't know about anyone else but Deval Patrick is really growing on me as Govenor. First he makes headway by decriminalizing weed make Massachussetts that much bearable to live in despite the massive amounts of taxes on everyting and the shitty weather. But this puts Patrick on my good list not only does it show that he thinks there are more important things to worry about like actual criminals but now it's only a matter of time before the legalization of marijuana becomes a reality in the Bay State.

Morning Jamm: College

Today's morning jamm comes from a kid a graduated with. Sure that might make me biased especially when I tell people that I think he is really good but who gives a fuck this is my blog I can do what I want and say whatever I want. Even though this is an old beat that many people have done remixes to but it's a fresh take on it and Sam Adams sucks anyways.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Steven Spielberg Would Be Pissed

CNN-Daniel and Joshua Beans don't spend a lot of time together and don't have much in common. But these brothers share a bond only troops who've marched into battle can fully understand.

Three years ago, Daniel, a Marine corporal, and Joshua, a Marine lance corporal, patrolled the streets of Ramadi, Iraq, together as part of the same infantry unit.

I'm sorry but if I'm not mistaking I thought this wasn't allowed. Everyone knows Tom Hank's character died in SPR because all the other brothers died and he had to save Matt Damon's dumbasss in fucking France. But brothers in the same unit might save all those Tom Hanks out there. I know that SPR's story was far fetched to begin with but this just fucks up the story more and I don't like it this movie is still and will always be the best WWII movie ever.

p.s.- this might be insensitive but I'm just making a stupid point I support our troops

Some Funny Videos

I was going to give these their own post's but that would be redundant so I'm putting them in one post. Killing two birds with one stone

My mom showed me this one. My only problem is that Steve Harvey acts like no one smokes weed

This one is just batshit crazy

Morning Jamm: DMX- Time To Get Paid (Prod. by Swizz Beatz)

Every morning I'm going to post a song that has just recently been released. This is the second song in two days to be leaked by DMX and Swizz Beatz. I'm pretty sure DMX is in jail right now on a drug charge, personally before I heard that I didn't even know he still existed or was still making music. Songs not bad what I believe makes it a good song is the beat and the chrous is a Biggie sample from his song Juicy

p.s.- ya I know I'm posting this in the afternoon it's still morning to me though

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Puff a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Your Brain on Food-Surprisingly, it may also protect against some aspects of age-associated memory loss. Ordinarily, we do not view marijuana as being good for our brain and certainly not for making memories. How could a drug that clearly impairs memory while people are under its sway protect their brains from the consequences of aging? The answer likely has everything to do with the way that young and old brains function and a series of age-related changes in brain chemistry. When we are young, stimulating the brain's marijuana receptors interfere with making memories. However, later in life, the brain gradually displays increasing evidence of inflammation and a dramatic decline in the production of new neurons, called neurogenesis, that are important for making new memories.
Research in my laboratory has demonstrated that stimulating the brain's marijuana receptors may offer protection by reducing brain inflammation and by restoring neurogenesis. Thus, later in life, marijuana might actually help your brain, rather than harm it. It takes very little marijuana to produce benefits in the older brain; my colleague in France, Dr. Yannick Marchalant, coined the motto "a puff is enough" because it appears as though only a single puff each day is necessary to produce significant benefit. The challenge for pharmacologists in the future will be to isolate the beneficial effects of the marijuana plant from its psychoactive effects.-Gary L.Wenk, Ph.D.

Hahahahahahaahhaahahahah........for real though just make marijuana legal it's not a drug it's a plant. Not only does it slow/stop lung cancer from forming as stated in an earlier post but when you're old it improves your memory and potentially keeps all of us from losing our minds to Alzheimer’s. It says all you need is one puff just imagine how beneficial a blunt would be. LEGALIZE IT

Celtics 89-94 Charlotte

Ok so not only did we lose tonight to the Charlotte Hornets....oops I mean the Bobcats, sorry MJ, but Ray Allen has again failed to tie Reggie Millers record for 3's. I'd have to say thats more disappointing then the loss cause who gives a shit about the bobcats(really?), not to mention this was a back to back game which the Celtics are 5-7 in. The silver lining though is that it sets up Ray to tie and break the record at HOME and against the LAKERS. It's almost too perfect but whatever Ray Allen will be the 3-point king and Magic Johnson will be bitching about his precious lakers suck.

p.s.- How crazy do you think Allen's mom is going to be when it happens my bet is that she'll run on the court out of shear insanity

Transformers 3

To be honest I don't care what anybody says I'm fucking pumped to see this movie 3D and all. Whenever i brought it up with my friends they would say they aren't going to see it because Megan Fox isn't going to be in it so I say fuck those big toe thumbs let me introduce you to the new leading lady

Roll Up (Prod by Stargate)

Wiz Khalifa's latest single off his upcoming album which drops in March I think. should be as dank as the weed he is always talking about but the hype for these things have been wrong before.

Fuck You Cancer

Toke of The Town- A 2007 study, performed at Harvard University (yes, that Harvard) by Anju Preet, PhD and the Division of Experimental Medicine, is further evidence that supports the study performed by Donald Tashkin, M.D. (reported in Toke January 27) originally published in 2005, indicating that THC appears not to start or promote lung cancer, and if anything, appears to slow or stop lung cancer.

I always told my mom blunts were good for me

Aaron Rodgers put the Final Nail in Brett Favre's Coffin

On behalf of everyone who hated and still hates the man who ruined ESPN forever, Brett "no game" Favre, I would like to thank you Aaron Rodgers for winning the Super Bowl.

p.s.- also thank you for beating big Ben because we all know we would have to stop watching ESPN cause they would only be talking about how he's just as good as Tom Brady which we all know will never be true

Inaugural Post

What up everybody this is the first post of many to come. I'll most likely be putting something up everyday so keep checking out the site. What I'm planning on posting is basically any random shit i find on the internet cause I'm pretty sure that's what blogs are for. Of course if any of you find anything interesting that I have not posted on the site send it to my email which should be located at the top of the page.