Friday, February 11, 2011

The Next President?

CNN-Real estate mogul Donald Trump says he is seriously thinking about running for president but won't make a final decision until summer.
Appearing on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight" Wednesday night, Trump said the United States is faring poorly and has lost the respect of the world.

Speaking of Donald Trump the guy might be running for president next year and if you ask me fuck ya. I read this story and it literally made me want to fast forward a year just so I can vote this guy into office. I'm not even registered to vote but I'm going to now for this reason. My favorite part of the interview is when Trump is talking about taxing chinese products cause he feels they are a threat. "I see them as the enemy" he says then goes on a five minute rant about how they suck and I kind of agree with him Chinese people are a problem. Like how can you be so bad a driving? effing asians, whatever USA might be a better place with the Donald as president. Take a look at the interview so you can hear him for yourself

That hair will be as iconic as Washington's wooden teeth and JFK's awesome accent


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