Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Are The Red Sox So Bad?....

if this doesn't pretty much sum up how the beginning of the Red Sox season is going I don't know what would. I have listened to many opinion on the problems the Sox are having and plenty of wasted time watching Sportscenter kick themselves for declaring them world champs before the season started. 

Like what the fuck is going on we have maybe the best lineup on paper but i just doesn't translate on the actual field. it also seems the starting rotation is worse then once thought. but it's actually Beckett who is doing well and of course Dice-gay is sucking another huge cock. I don't wanna hear any bullshit about the disaster in Japan is effecting him cause if it was really a problem he'd think of the team and retire right now but nope he just plain blows. 

One problem might be the fact our lineup is too lefty heavy and that Crawford doesn't fit, and to be honest i agree he was only brought in to boost ratings which I would have to say is working cause I have watched every depressing game. Yet I do have faith and hope that this team will come around cause just like any other powerhouse team it takes time mold just like the Heat. By the All-Star break no one is going to remember this  miserable start.