Friday, February 11, 2011

College Lacrosse 2011

I'm glad someone is finally stepping up to the plate to make a lacrosse game. Lax bros everywhere have been calling for someone to make one, didn't have to be good just something to play after laxing all day. This game is the second one(I bought the first one was fun but not that great) and it looks like they are going to make one every year. As you can see in  the trailer the graphics look decent obviously not as good as any COD game but this is a indie company making an indie game no EA here. The movements the players makes is a step up from the last game except I have a problem with the way it looks when they run but again it's not backed by a birtime company. Props to these guys doing what no one would touch and hopefully an EA or 2ksports will pick them up. Games almost done should be available on Xbox live later in the year


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