Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ok I Lied

ESPNBoston-The always-creative Lowell Spinners, the Red Sox’s Single-A affiliate, have come up with another fun promotion this summer: The Human Home Run.

After the Spinners game on July 5, stunt man David Smith, Jr. will be shot from a cannon placed at home plate over the infield to a net placed just past second base (so in that sense, it’s more like the human pop fly, but impressive nonetheless).

Ok so i lied but this story is just too good to pass up. I don't though I kind of think this is really pathetic and awsome at the same time. First I think this is pathetic cause the best way to try to get people to got to their games is by shooting a guy out of a cannon(Really?) and shooting off fireworks. Not to mention he isnt even going to be shot far enough to even be considered a homerun I'd feel cheated if I went to the game expecting that and only saw him fly to second base. But if I ever happen to be in Lowell with nothing to do(I have no idea why I'd be in Lowell) I'd go to the game just to see this cause maybe some thing will go wrong and he will explode sending blood everywhere or he will miss the net breaking his neck. sounds bad but don't act like you wouldnt watch it on youtube after it happens.


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